20 September 2012

Special Feature: A Ministry to the World's Big Cities

by Ephraim Arriesgado

(I have written this post after reading the article of Ted N. C. Wilson entitled “Big Cities-Bigger Vision” in the October 2011 issue of the Adventist World . Ted N. C. Wilson is the president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. I will be quoting some of his words in this post.)

We all know that today many people are living and working in the cities, especially in the major cities of the world. They need to be reached in order for them to know the gospel which is the good news of salvation.

Little children at the Wat Preah Yesu Orphanage in Cambodia.
Photo Credit: Regin Reyno

Elder Ted N. C. Wilson wrote, “As I studied the faces of the thousands caught in the urgency of city life, I developed a particular burden for the church’s mission to big cities. My concern for big cities is an important part of how I follow Jesus.”

When we truly follow Jesus, we need to feel the burden for the salvation of the people in the big cities of the world.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church will establish “outpost centers” which will include training schools, lifestyle health facilities, and missionary homes in some parts of the cities.

Ellen White wrote that “the work in the cities is the essential work for this time. When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed” (Medical Ministry, p. 304).

Cambodia Adventist School is an example of an “outpost center”.
Photo Credit: Regin Reyno

We need the strength of our youth to minister to the people in the cities of the world today.

The Adventist Adventurer supports this initiative and will participate in the said ministry.

Will you join us? 

A man with a mission,
-The Adventist Adventurer

 This post is part of our preparation for the Klement '09 Backpacking and Ministry 
in Thailand and Cambodia on July 23 to August 2, 2012. Please pray for us!

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